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CI/CD Module

This module sets up a CI/CD pipeline using Google Cloud services, integrated within the Service Level Zones (SLZ) architecture.


  • Terraform 0.14 or higher
  • Google Cloud Platform account
  • Billing account associated with the organization



Defines the CI/CD project in GCP.

  • name: Name of the CI/CD project.
  • random_project_id: Generates a random project ID.
  • random_project_id_length: Length of the random project ID.
  • org_id: Organization ID.
  • billing_account: Billing account.
  • folder_id: Folder ID for shared resources.
  • svpc_host_project_id: Shared VPC host project ID.
  • activate_apis: APIs to be activated for CI/CD.
  • labels: Labels, such as terraform_managed.


Manages IAM bindings for the Artifact Registry repository.

  • repositories: List of Artifact Registry repositories.
  • location: Region of the repositories.
  • mode: IAM mode, typically additive.
  • bindings: IAM roles and members.


Manages IAM bindings for Cloud Build.

  • projects: List of projects.
  • mode: IAM mode, typically additive.
  • bindings: IAM roles and members.



Defines the Docker Artifact Registry repository.

  • location: Location of the repository.
  • repository_id: ID of the repository.
  • description: Description of the repository.
  • format: Format of the repository, usually DOCKER.

Compliance with SLZ

The configuration adheres to SLZ principles by ensuring appropriate separation of concerns, permissions, and integration within the overall architecture.


Include this module in your existing Terraform configuration and provide the necessary variables.


From this point on the document is autogenerated, don't modify it directly


module "cicd" {
  source                   = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google"
  version                  = "14.2.0"
  name                     = "owner-cicd"
  random_project_id        = true
  random_project_id_length = 3
  org_id                   = var.org_id
  billing_account          = var.billing_account
  folder_id                =["Shared"]
  svpc_host_project_id     = module.shared_vpc_host_project.project_id
  activate_apis            = var.activate_apis["CICD"]
  labels = {
    terraform_managed = true