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Billing Module

This module provisions a billing project with separate budgets for production and preproduction environments, adhering to the specific SLZ requirements.


  • Terraform 0.14 or higher
  • Google Cloud Platform account
  • Billing account associated with the organization



Creates a project specifically for billing purposes.

  • name: Name of the billing project.
  • random_project_id: Generates a random project ID.
  • random_project_id_length: Length of the random project ID.
  • org_id: Organization ID.
  • folder_id: Folder ID for billing.
  • billing_account: Billing account.
  • budget_amount: Total budget amount.
  • default_service_account: Set to "disable" to disable the default service account.
  • activate_apis: APIs to be activated for billing.
  • labels: Environment labels such as "prod" and "preprod."


Defines the production budget with specific alert thresholds.

  • amount: Budget amount.
  • display_name: Display name of the budget.
  • alert_spent_percents: List of percentages at which to send alerts.
  • credit_types_treatment: Include all credits in the budget calculation.
  • alert_pubsub_topic: Pub/Sub topic for sending budget alerts.


Defines the preproduction budget with specific alert thresholds. The parameters are similar to the budget_prod_projects module.



Defines the Pub/Sub topics for production (prod_budget) and preproduction (preprod_budget) budget alerts.


Include this module in your existing Terraform configuration and provide the necessary variables.

Compliance with SLZ

This configuration is aligned with the specific Service Level Zones requirements, ensuring that the appropriate policies and constraints are enforced.


From this point on the document is autogenerated, don't modify it directly


module "billing_project" {
  source                   = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google"
  version                  = "14.2.0"
  name                     = "owner-cor-billing"
  random_project_id        = true
  random_project_id_length = 3
  org_id                   = var.org_id
  folder_id                =["Billing"]
  billing_account          = var.billing_account
  budget_amount            = "1000"
  default_service_account  = "disable"

  activate_apis = var.activate_apis["Billing"]
  labels = {
    "env" : "prod"

Prod budget with more options

resource "google_pubsub_topic" "prod_budget" {
  name    = "owner-prod-budget-topic-${random_string.suffix.result}"
  project = module.billing_project.project_id
module "budget_prod_projects" {
  source                 = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google//modules/budget"
  version                = "14.3.0"
  billing_account        = var.billing_account
  projects               = [module.billing_project.project_id]
  amount                 = "1000"
  display_name           = "Budget for ${module.billing_project.project_id}"
  alert_spent_percents   = [0.5, 0.7, 1.0]
  credit_types_treatment = "INCLUDE_ALL_CREDITS"
  alert_pubsub_topic     = "projects/${module.billing_project.project_id}/topics/${}"
  labels = {
    "env" : "prod"

Preprod budget with more options

resource "google_pubsub_topic" "preprod_budget" {
  name    = "owner-preprod-budget-topic-${random_string.suffix.result}"
  project = module.billing_project.project_id
module "budget_preprod_projects" {
  source                 = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google//modules/budget"
  version                = "14.3.0"
  billing_account        = var.billing_account
  projects               = [module.billing_project.project_id]
  amount                 = "1000"
  display_name           = "Budget for ${module.billing_project.project_id}"
  alert_spent_percents   = [0.5, 0.7, 1.0]
  credit_types_treatment = "INCLUDE_ALL_CREDITS"
  alert_pubsub_topic     = "projects/${module.billing_project.project_id}/topics/${}"
  labels = {
    "env" : "prod"